The children continue to settle in nicely. We are so glad to see the children becoming comfortable with their peers and teachers. They are all so big and brave! Together this week, we talked a little bit about school manners, and how to be a kind friend. The children learned what it means to be a “bucket filler” vs a “bucket dipper”. You may hear your child using these phrases at home. I introduced the children to my pom pom reward jar. Our class will be working hard to fill the bucket to earn a pajama party! If you have any questions about the bucket filler concept, please feel free to reach out.

Some important reminders:

Wednesday 10/4 field trip to the farm 9:00-11:00
Friday 10/6 Half day/no lunch or PEEP
Saturday 10/7 Fall Maintenance day
Monday 10/9 No School
Wednesday 10/11 Open House 6:30-7:30

What we were busy learning this week:

Social/Emotional: This week, we continued to learn about each other. The children were able to express themselves artistically by making a self portrait, and by creating a collage silhouette.

Literacy: This week the children worked on tracing/writing their names as one of their morning “jobs”. We learned a new alphabet song that will help the children learn that letters make sounds, and sounds make words. (Important pre-reading skills!) The children were introduced to the letter F. We talked about the sound it makes and some words begin with that letter.

Math: We are learning/reviewing shapes this month. The children enjoyed playing a shape recognition games. When dismissing from circle to snack, we reviewed numbers. We are also rote counting our calendar daily and working on a simple pattern.

Thank you to all of our parents who volunteered as chaperones for our field trip. We will have another field trip in the spring, as well as many party days. We will need extra help if you didn’t get to sign up and you would like to! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Love, Mrs. Roberto & Mrs. Storie